Active Plus in St Austell

Thank you to the Mayor of St St Austell Cllr Andrea Laxon who joined us to celebrate and present the end of course certificates to the fantastic people on our latest Positive People course.

Throughout the course everyone worked together, supported each other and helped one another regain their confidence. Good to see everyone moving on with renewed hope and enthusiasm for the future.

“The course is amazing because it helps with confidence and improves my life skills”

“I am feeling better within myself and the things taught on course have helped me get ready for future training and employment”

“My confidence has improved and talking to new people. This is the first step for my new future. I have achieved plenty on the course”

#veteransinspiringpeople PlussPluss Cornwall #inspiringchange

We believe quality training shouldn't be just for the military

Tell us your battles and the outcomes you’re looking to achieve. We’ll tailor a course to suit the needs of your team and help you succeed in your mission.