Health Works for Cornwall

One of the reasons people come on our Active Plus courses is because they feel they are lacking motivation and direction. But where does motivation come from? It is easy to look at someone that is highly motivated think that you have something missing.

There is no magic trick to build motivation- even the people that seem the most motivated from the outside have days where their own motivation is low. The key to building motivation is to look at the word itself- to build motivation, you must have a motive. On our 12-session course we look to find out what you motive is- what you enjoy, what challenges you, and where you want to be in your life. We are not looking to push you into work, but to find out what direction you want to go in and help you set your own achievable targets.

At the end of our last course, this is what one of our participants had to say: “I would encourage anyone to try this course. It’s been a massive step forward in my progression and I look forward to my next steps”. If you would like to make your next step forward, please contact us at [email protected].

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We believe quality training shouldn't be just for the military

Tell us your battles and the outcomes you’re looking to achieve. We’ll tailor a course to suit the needs of your team and help you succeed in your mission.