About Active Plus
We use the skills, experience and expertise of injured military veterans to deliver unique programmes that build confidence, communication, motivation and self-belief; unlocking and nurturing the potential of participants regardless of their background and circumstance.
Our mission
Active Plus is a Community Interest Company that uses the skills, experience and expertise of injured and retired military veterans to deliver unique programmes that build confidence, improve motivation, generate a sense of belonging and self worth; helping people to unlock and fulfil their potential.
Supporting veterans
Our injured military veterans begin their journey with us as volunteers. Some have physical injuries, many have PTSD and are themselves vulnerable.
Some have been unemployed for long periods others have just struggled making the transition from forces to civilian life. We read about such stories every day. All have become fantastic role models who share not only their skills and expertise with course participants, but also their own personal journeys.
Journeys that end with them continuing to volunteer, work full or part time with us or, of course, moving on. We love them moving on – equipped to leave, equipped to lead. That’s a real result.
Our ethos is about people helping themselves through helping others.
Inspiring teams
Often there is a disconnect between people and if that happens in military life it can be fatal so our veterans know all about communications ‘across ranks’ and what makes effective teams tick.
By using positive strategies to enable teamwork, motivation, confidence, and communication skills, our instructors tailor their delivery to meet individual needs. In return, supporting our military veterans on their own personal journey of recovery from physical injury, PTSD and transition to civilian life.
Supporting communities
Feeling good about yourself and being confident in your abilities opens up new opportunities and builds resilient communities. With renewed self-esteem and positivity, we will help to reduce social isolation, improve health and wellbeing and build community cohesion.
I have got the real me back again. You are absolutely brilliant and I am forever in your debt.
Danielle - Course participant
Meet the team

Laura Truckle
Managing Director

Chris Kent
Operations Manager and Veteran Coordinator

Robert Bradshaw
Business Support Officer

Terrie-Anne Livermore
Project & Compliance Manager

Neil Watson
Finance Officer

Suzanne Body
Marketing & Communications Officer

Mitch Inglis
Community Engagement Officer

Sam Orchard
Veteran Specialist Change Coach

Yorick O'Nyons
Change Coach

Wendy Ranson
Armed Forces Community Social Prescribing Link Worker

Gina Stroyan
Armed Forces Community Social Prescribing Link Worker

Rhiannan Hobbs-McLernon
Project Support Officer

Pete Botheras
Lead Instructor

Pete Jackson
Lead Instructor

Joanne Whyatt
Lead Instructor

Chris Mayer

Kris Blevins

Rob Sharp

Peter Blyth
Meet our volunteers

Tim Cocks
Founder and Volunteer Instructor

Danny Daniell
Volunteer Instructor

David Biggs
Volunteer Instructor

Steve Guy
Volunteer Instructor
Join our winning team
Staff turnover is a positive thing for us and we’re always on the look-out for new recruits. So if you know any military veterans who need a chance, to get on track; or military veterans looking for a new challenge, then point them in our direction. Of course you may be one yourself, so get in touch.