“I Got Out”

As we enter a new month, we take a moment to reflect on the positive impact our projects are having across the community, helping people from diverse backgrounds with varying needs to overcome social isolation and, in many cases, the mental and physical challenges which can develop as a direct result.

As a company, Active Plus are all too aware of how such challenges can adversely affect quality of life and, equally, how difficult it can be to break a cycle of negativity, especially when confidence is running low. So, it is always uplifting to see and hear the positive results experienced by participants of our Confidence and Motivation courses which are delivered by our team of experienced veterans. The “Connecting Communities” Project -made possible by our collaboration with South West Water – did not disappoint!

This is an exciting new project in Redruth which provided a unique opportunity to connect communities with local services and support. Perhaps, most importantly, providing a chance for community members to meet each other, discovering they are not alone but are in fact surrounded by other like-minded individuals with similar circumstances, limitations and hurdles to face. In addition, the fun, team building activities throughout the course bring out the best in people and enable them to discover, recognise and see the potential of their individual skills and strengths.

Whilst, at first, participants approached the first session of the course with varying degrees of reticence – trepidation even – fears were soon allayed and feedback received included comments such as,

…makes me feel I’m not alone in my own situation’

…interesting to meet new people…opening up to the unknown…

One participant made specific reference to how their nerves were quashed due to the “very warm, open, interactive, chatty, inclusive” nature of the setting and another was simply grateful for “something different to do”.

The engaging activities naturally shine a light on the importance of communication, teamwork, a positive mindset, connection, and having fun. As such, participants learnt to “trust in one another”, “think more outside the box”, the value of “listening”, and “sharing” ideas and experiences, all the while fostering a sense of belonging; a crucial element in building self-confidence.

These skills were all utilised during the set up of their own community group which, together, the group decided to base around the playing of bowls. A collective effort that can benefit themselves and others in the local area.

In addition, the group enjoyed a visit from Redruth Town Council and, as a result of a group discussion, are now planning to support with a community/edible garden project for the town.

As if this wasn’t success enough, the group have also assisted Mel, the Manager of the Redruth Community Centre by contributing to the creation of a video, appealing for funding from Tesco for the “Murdoch Makeover” – a project that aims to update and enhance the room used for social gatherings and training events. This is especially poignant considering that, as the video highlights, Redruth is in the top 10% of the most deprived areas in England and, indeed, the 3rd most deprived area in Cornwall!

The Active Plus course has been a catalyst for true collaboration in action and has highlighted that Redruth is certainly an area that has a community worth investing in!

The work of these participants showcases how bringing communities together prompts proactive thinking and instils a sense of purpose that can be carried forward to achieve individual milestones and positive community action. Everyone can benefit.

Of course, these big collective achievements are worthy of celebrating and they make us proud of all involved but, some of the most heart-warmingly impressive results stem from the quietest of feelings.  By far the most powerful feedback received from the course has been,

I got out

Three simple words that shout of monumental progress! It is easy for some who struggle daily with pain, lack of mobility, isolation, poor mental health – and other limiting circumstances – to become overlooked in society. Active Plus feel strongly that EVERYONE should feel seen, heard and most certainly valued. We always aim to provide a foundation on which to build, a platform from which to grow and a springboard to a better quality of life for all who take part.

We are thankful to South West Water Neighbourhood Fund for enabling us to help others find their purpose, their place and their feet.

(It is safe to say, the community has made a splash!)

If you would like to find out more about how Active Plus could help you, someone you know or a community group, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are always here to answer questions and will be happy to help you. Feel free to message us via the website, email [email protected], or call us on 01326 567174 for a chat.

Blog post: Suzanne Body, Active Plus

We believe quality training shouldn't be just for the military

Tell us your battles and the outcomes you’re looking to achieve. We’ll tailor a course to suit the needs of your team and help you succeed in your mission.