No Greater Accolade

A Case Study from our Armed Forces Community Social Prescribing Service:


The Armed Forces Community Social Prescribing is a specialist, fully funded, service to help address a range of health needs and inequalities experienced by the Armed Forces Community.

This project is designed to support people from the Armed Forces Community in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. Bespoke intervention is provided through an experienced Armed Forces Community Social Prescribing Link Worker who can assist members of the Armed Forces Community, supporting veterans and spouses, children, widows and full-time carers of a veteran. All of whom often report as feeling under supported.

There is no greater accolade, reward and demonstration of the effectiveness of the Armed Forces Social Prescribing Link Worker Service than when we hear from the recipients we were able to help.

One such example is Army Veteran, “Alan” *. Alan was looking for support with mental health and financial issues. Tired of relentless form filling and being “passed from pillar to post” with no clear route forward, Alan was losing hope and faith in many of the services he felt were designed to help. He was feeling despondent and “lost” in the system.

A referral to our Armed Forces Community Social Prescriber Link Worker (AFCSPLW) led to Alan being met by Kev, one of our experienced AFCSP Link Workers. Kev, was able to reassure Alan, signposting him to appropriate services, sharing details of walk-in support through the Veteran Regroup, where clients can meet various other relevant agencies. Kev, the Armed Forces Social Prescribing Link Worker, supported Alan during this process to assist with confidence and provide moral support.

Subsequently, Kev also facilitated face-to-face support from the DWP and Op Courage – Mental Health Support for Veterans provided by the NHS. From this point forward, as the case progressed, Alan received continued support keeping the line of communication open, and ensuring that help was accessible.

As a direct result of the assistance and support from the Armed Forces Community Social Prescribing Link Worker, Alan has grown tremendously in confidence and has been in contact with further appropriate support agencies.

The following quote shows Alan’s recognition of – and gratitude for – our service and, specifically, Kev who became a trusted aide throughout the process,

I have been contacted by DWP, Veterans UK and Op Courage, I now feel that people are reaching out to help and that is because of you and your hard work to make this happen, I am so grateful for this, thank you...I would like to thank you for all your help and going out of your way to meet me, it really is well and truly appreciated.”

Alan can now look to the future with increased confidence, knowing he is in a position to be able to seize positive opportunities as they arise, with people around him who are invested in his wellbeing, personal growth and success. We are confident his next chapter will be brighter.

Active Plus are delighted to be able to provide this comprehensive and specialist service, and the results from our support speak for themselves. Time and time again, we are seeing evidence of why our offerings are so crucial in helping those often overlooked and most in need.

If you feel you – or someone you know – could benefit from our support, please feel free to reach out by sending us an email at [email protected] or complete the attached Active Plus Referral e form below.

Fill | Active Plus Armed Forces Community Social Prescribing Referral Form
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We will be happy to hear from you and are always available to discuss details of the Armed Forces Community Social Prescriber Service.

* Please note, the name “Alan” has been used for representative purposes only and is not the participant’s real name.

Blog Post: Suzanne Body, Active Plus

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