What is Social Prescribing Day?
March 19th marks ‘Social Prescribing Day 2025’, an annual celebration of the people, organisations, and communities that make Social Prescribing possible. Active Plus are proud to be a key element of the social prescribing efforts within the Southwest. Social Prescribing Day is recognised and promoted by thousands of organisations – local, national, and international – bringing together link workers, medical professionals, academics and students alike.
An initiative brought forward by The National Academy for Social Prescribing (NASP), the day hosts an array of events, sharing of ideas, and, perhaps most importantly, it raises awareness around Social Prescribing; what it is, how it works and, significantly, how it has changed – and continues to change – the lives of many for the better.
In line with The National Academy for Social Prescribing’s objective, we feel it is timely and appropriate to shine a light on the Armed Forces Community Social Prescriber Link Worker Service which Active Plus provides, along with our skilled AFC Social Prescriber Link Workers who work diligently across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, with the sole aim of helping all members of the Armed Forces Community gain access to the support and guidance they both deserve and are entitled to.
What is the Armed Forces Community Social Prescribing Service?
The Armed Forces Community Social Prescribing Service addresses the specific health needs and inequalities experienced by veterans and the wider Armed Forces Community.
The Armed Forces Community Social Prescribing Link Worker intervention is an advocacy, signposting and support service which assists members of the Armed Forces Community, supporting veterans and spouses, children, widows, and full-time carers of a veteran; all of whom often report as feeling under supported. Veteran friendly schemes are also promoted and adopted within primary care across the Peninsula, ensuring Veterans are prioritised where illness is attributable to their military service.
The Link Workers help clients deal with varying issues, from social isolation and mental wellness to finance – connecting people to activities, groups, and services within their community, thereby helping them meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing.

Why is Social Prescribing Needed?
This service is vital in reaching and helping veterans effectively, as the Armed Forces Community Social Prescribing Link Workers, having served in the Armed Forces themselves, have first-hand experience of the difficulties and barriers Veterans can face. They are best placed to provide appropriate advice with respect, discretion, and dignity. Those reticent to accept help from non-Veteran sources can be reached with sensitivity and understanding.
“The Southwest region of England has one of the highest proportion of Veterans (5.6%, 256,000 people) and the highest percentage of households with at least one Veteran (10.1%, 274,000 households in the Southwest; 8.8%).
In Cornwall, Veterans represent 6.3% (30,229) of the population of which 5.2% served as regulars, 0.9% reserves and 0.3% had served in both. Active Plus currently has 2 full time AFC SPLW’s that support Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Each social prescriber is holding a rolling case load of approximately 27 clients, in addition to this we have a holding pool where clients are awaiting support.” (Figures correct as at 4th March, 2025)
– Information provided by Chris Kent, Operations Manager & Veteran Coordinator.
The current Armed Forces Community Social Prescriber Link Worker (AFC SPLW) service has been commissioned and funded by Cornwall Council.

Who are our Armed Forces Community Social Prescribing Link Workers?
Introducing our dynamic team of Veteran Specialists, most specifically Wendy and Gina, our Armed Forces Community Link Workers who have a combined military service of over 34 years. It is fair to say that Wendy and Gina have redefined the role of Social Prescribing Link Workers (SPLWs) and truly made it their own.
As Armed Forces Community SPLWs employed by Active Plus, they specialise in supporting Armed Forces Veterans (anyone who has served at least one day in the military) and their families across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
Drawing on their own extensive military and pastoral experience, Wendy and Gina excel at breaking down barriers with the Veteran Community and addressing the growing demand for tailored support.

The Process
The Social Prescribing process is client led and referrals come from a variety of sources, including GP SPLWs, the Royal British Legion, We Are With You, and beyond. Whilst many Veterans are referred from external support agencies, some self-refer, having recognised the Veteran Specialist element of the service.
“Anyone who feels they need support, for themselves or someone else, can complete a referral form and send it in. Upon receiving a referral, we allocate the most suitable SPLW to assist the veteran or family members, ensuring the allocation process, initial contact and updates to the referrer occurs within 48 hours.”
– Wendy, AFCSPLW, Active Plus
Support always begins with an initial meeting to establish rapport, after which a personalised support plan led by the veteran’s needs is created. The duration of support given can range from a few days to several months, and naturally adapts to the changing needs of their clients – many of whom have complex needs. Wendy and Gina work hard to keep the lines of communication strong and very much open with the referral sources, providing regular updates to ensure transparency in the work they do.
Often travelling significant distances to meet veterans where they are, going the extra mile is standard practice amongst the team.
In addition to direct client support, Wendy and Gina also actively participate in, and attend:
- Training,
- Veteran events
- Community gatherings.
- Regroups,
- Veteran Breakfasts,
- Conferences
- Courses to enhance their skills and expand their outreach.
We are proud and thankful to have two such experienced, empathetic, proactive, dedicated characters who go to great lengths to deliver this crucial and unique service to a deserving community, embodying the ethos of service; “If the call came, I would give my life for this country.”
It is clear that both Wendy and Gina enjoy their roles, regarding the supporting of Veterans as “a privilege” – further evidence that the Active Plus Team is driven by individuals with a passion for helping others, and a desire to help themselves. Humility, empathy, resilience are key themes within the service we provide, and amidst the Active Plus team – collectively and individually.
Looking Ahead
The team is always looking ahead and seeking out new opportunities to extend our provision. Wendy and Gina plan to extend their services further into Northern and Eastern Cornwall, building on the success of their initial Launceston Armed Forces SPLW clinic. Already, these clinics are running in Saltash, Liskeard, and St. Austell! The clinics provide a safe, welcoming space for veterans and their families to receive – often vital – advice, advocacy, information, and support.

Active Plus believes everyone should have a chance to access fresh starts and new opportunities with positivity and confidence; confidence which is often lost due to complex situations and the challenging experiences those within the Armed Forces Community have faced/continue to face.
As a Community Interest Company, we will continue to look for ways to expand on, and evolve, our work to help those within the community, as well as always looking after the interests of our much valued Veteran Instructors.
Blog Post Production: Suzanne Body, Active Plus

Discover how we were able to help Alan by clicking this link… No Greater Accolade – Active Plus
Additional Information: Social Prescribing Day 2025 – The National Academy for Social Prescribing | NASP