Join our winning team

We’ve helped over 400 military veterans since Active Plus started in 2011, most have moved into work or training.

Veterans Inspiring People

That’s who we are – and that’s what we do. 

The key to our success is a delivery team of injured military veterans who we support on their own journey and who are ideally equipped with experience, life and leadership skills to help others on theirs.

Our  injured  military  veterans  begin their journey with us  as  volunteers. Some have physical injuries, many have PTSD and are themselves vulnerable.

Some have been unemployed for long periods  others  have  just  struggled making the transition from forces to civilian life. We read about such stories every day. All have become fantastic role models who share not  only  their  skills and expertise with  course  participants, but also their own personal journeys.

Journeys that end with them continuing to volunteer, work full or part time with us or, of course, moving on. We love them moving on – equipped to leave, equipped to lead. That’s a real result.

Our veterans  all  have  great  stories to tell. They empathise, inspire, challenge and gain respect in a way that is a powerful force for change – both for participants and for the veterans themselves.

Our ethos is about people helping themselves through helping others. 

Ash’s story

Former soldier Ash Gordon shares his personal journey into work with Active Plus.

Ash’s story

Former soldier Ash Gordon shares his personal journey into work with Active Plus.

Be part of a winning team

Staff turnover is a positive thing for us and we’re always on the look-out for new recruits.

So if you know any military veterans who need a chance, or a second chance, to get on track; or military veterans looking for a new challenge, then point them in our direction. Of course you may be one yourself so get in touch.

Whether you’ve been on civvy street for 10 days, 10 weeks or 10 years, we have opportunities for people to volunteer, to work full-time and everything in between.

It gives me a real sense of achievement when I see people improve. I know I am making a difference to someone's life every single day and it makes me feel good. I have to keep going, I don't want to let anyone down and I know there are a lot of other people out there who need our help.

Pete - Lead Instructor, Active Plus​

21 years in the RAF - serving in Northern Ireland, Kosovo,
Sierra Leone, Iraq and Afghanistan

Contact us to talk about volunteering

To learn more about how Active Plus could help you or a veteran you know, contact Chris, our Operations Support and Veteran Coordinator for a friendly chat about opportunities to help yourself by helping others: 01326 567174 or [email protected]